Giving what you habitually withhold (as a pathway to freedom)
Have you ever noticed how the thing you repeatedly withhold in relationship is also the thing you know you need to give to live more open and free?
It’s like we each have this part of ourselves that we hold so tightly onto, and which feels scary and vulnerable to give away.
Maybe its more of your time…
or more of your energy…
or a tender part of your heart…
or your piercing clarity…
or your deep erotic yearning…
or your fierceness…
or your playfulness…
or your grief…
or your joy!
Maybe you’ve given this thing before and it wasn’t received, reciprocated, or honored… and so you zipped it up, locked it in a box tucked deep inside your body and threw away the key, saying NOPE! not doing that again!
And then… when you get in relationship… there’s this gnawing sense that you are holding back... that there is more of you to give… more of you to be experienced by yourself and by your lover.
But every time you try to unlock that hidden box, you are overcome with fear and resistance.
It’s this feeling that if you opened up this part of you and gave it to another… you might die.
And so it’s a great sacrifice to offer it anyway to that person you can trust… despite the terror, and despite the unknown.
It’s the ultimate sacrifice, really. A sacrifice that dissolves separation. A sacrifice that liberates not just YOUR love, but the love in your partner, the love in your relationship, and the love in the universe!
It’s a bold and radical act to open that box.
What are you holding in yours?