Embody the magnetic

power of Love




Nina Lombardo’s signature 8-week group mentorship program for the woman ready to dive deep into the sacred feminine arts and explore yogic intimacy practices to transform old patterns of relating into her most skillful offering of Love.


Classes occur live online via Zoom. Recordings are made available for those who cannot attend live.

how would it feel to…

 Beloved woman,

  • Liberate your deepest devotion in ecstatic communion with your beloved/the divine

  • Soften the grip of old wounds, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve the depth of love you are yearning to give and receive in intimacy

  • Be confident, magnetic, grounded, and sourced in the fullness of who you are

  • Surrender so deeply into your present moment experience that you become a conduit for love to flow through you

  • Artfully reveal the depths of your feminine longing, emotions, and wisdom as invitations to be met fully and deeply in love

  • Retrieve your intrinsic gifts from the holy darkness, vulnerably living your truth as a radiant offering to the world

  • Cultivate powerful sisterhood with a group of likeminded practitioners devoted to love, depth, growth, authenticity, and community

Stop waiting for love to come, and become the love you desire.

To the deep-hearted woman…

What if I told you that your longing for love IS love…

that the gateway to your most empowered, alive, and liberated self is preciously hidden within the ecstatic ache of your longing…

and that the portal to sacred union lies in your opening to the Love that is already here?

Over the course of our eight weeks together, your body and heart will awaken to the core of this revelation.

You will unfurl to the experience of Love on the most primordial level: Love beyond wounds. Love beyond identity. Love beyond story.

You will also explore how to offer your deepest Love through the artistry of your erotic body—as a depth-evoking gift to your beloved, to the world, and to the divine.

Are you ready to become the vessel to hold your innermost desires in life and in intimacy?

Then you’re invited to join us on this transformational journey.

Jesse testimonial, blue sky, smiling woman with dark hair

“This program helped me bring greater artistry, deeper love, hotter sex and more honesty to my marriage.”

There are few people in the world who can discuss such edgy topics such as sex and God, and merge those two charged themes together with profound wisdom and beauty. I found myself deeply moved by discussions which I might have shunned otherwise, and it's truly because of Nina's warm, open, and knowledgable teaching style. It was also a total delight watching Nina embody many feminine and masculine flavors throughout each class - it's evident she practices what she preaches and owns her craft! Thank you so much Nina - you have been one of the most surprising gifts in my life!

— Jesse Nattamai

Immerse yourself in Sacred Feminine Practice

Nina’s approach to feminine practice is not about contorting yourself to be more “feminine” or “sexy” or “juicy” to get a lover’s attention…

It’s about relaxing into your true nature so deeply that you effortlessly incarnate as Love’s fullness, which is inherently magnetic to the depth of consciousness that you yearn to receive from a lover.

Become skilled in the art of Yogic Intimacy

If you are intrigued by the concept of masculine and feminine polarity, yet are tired of the watered-down instagram polarity trend…

If you intuit that there is a mystical undercurrent within the play of erotic attraction…

If you can feel in your bones the paradox of your simultaneous wholeness and separateness…

If you can tap into your nature as both form and formlessness…

If the dance between Lover and Beloved makes deep and total sense to you…

Then you are ready to play in the realms of yogic intimacy—a practice of experiencing the pulse of One in two.


  • Hitting a threshold in your relationship and have a feeling it could go deeper, but are unsure of how to make that happen

  • Single, and wanting to cultivate intimate relationship with yourself and the divine, as you learn how to soften in the ache of your longing

  • Feeling limited in your spiritual practice and excited to learn new ways to unite your innate erotic aliveness with a path of devotion

  • Ready to skillfully express the depths of your wild feminine heart in intimacy

  • Done attracting lovers who are unable to meet you and are ready to do the work to open your body and heart to give and receive the awakened love you yearn for

  • Excited to play at your edges to embody more of your authentic self

  • Turned on and intrigued by concepts such as ravishment, claim, and surrender

  • Ready to show your deepest heart and be seen for all of who you are

  • Ready to dive into your shadows and receive loving feedback on the ways you unconsciously resist deep love and intimacy in your life


Group immersions are held via Zoom and include teachings, guided individual & partner practices, embodiment exercises, sacred theater, Q&A, philosophical discussions, rituals, meditations, and deep soul explorations.

You’ll receive…


You will have access to a private group on Telegram—a place for you to connect with other Ecstatic Love women, receive support from Nina, gain practice tips and coaching advice, and deepen in sacred sisterhood.


If you are unable to make the live calls, recordings will be uploaded and ready to view within 72 hours of call completion. You will one year access to the recordings after program completion.


Within the Telegram group, Nina will be available to answer your questions & provide you with loving feedback in the areas you seek to grow. You’ll also have opportunities for hot-seat coaching during live calls.


Each week Nina will provide you with custom embodiment practices to integrate into your daily life, plus at-home creative assignments and contemplative prompts to deepen in your discoveries.

“Feeling my power and strength in front of other women was very healing and awakening for me.”

Before this program, my feminine energy was hidden in a maze of shame, dark corners, and constraint. This program gave me the opportunity to meet my full essence: to touch her, feel her, talk with her, listen to her, move with her, etc. In getting to know her, I learned that she is only beautiful and not at all dangerous, and that if my goal is to live my life in flow, I must be fully comfortable in my truth. Nina is a beautiful embodiment of the divine feminine. A scholar. A gentle and clear teacher. An exquisite guide into a part of me that needed to be exposed to the light, and taken out of the dark. Thank you.

— Shawn Richardson

Receive the experience of being in a sacred women’s temple, a sisterhood devoted to inspiring Love’s fullness in one another, in the comforts and convenience of your own home.

The teachings, tools, and practices in Ecstatic Love can be seamlessly integrated into your everyday life, and will continue to enrich your relationships long after the program ends.

Experience what it means to be deeply, truly seen.

One facet that makes Ecstatic Love so unique and enriching is the opportunity to play in partner practices with other women (and yes… we can achieve this via Zoom!)

We don’t just talk about feminine expression: We embody it. We gift it. We receive it and we celebrate it in one another.

All those places that feel too vulnerable to go in intimacy (but which your deep heart yearns for), you will be invited to lean into throughout the program at the pace of your own nervous system.

Approach this program as a training ground for artfully expressing your deepest self and for expanding your capacity to be witnessed in all of who you are.

Weekly Curriculum

Week 1: Devotional Feminine Practice

  • Why you don’t have to be healed to Love fully now

  • What is Feminine practice and why do we do it?

  • Liberating your Primordial Feminine Power

  • Awakening your pleasure body

  • The differences between therapeutic and practice-based work

Week 2: Boundaries Before Boundlessness

  • Understanding David Deida’s Three Stages of psycho-spiritual development

  • Trusting the intelligence of your body 

  • Discerning heart-wisdom vs. trauma

  • Freeing yourself from the “good girl” wound and the habitual need to please

  • Owning and communicating your NO to experience your ecstatic YES

Week 3: Surrender to the Mystery

  • Loving through your patterns and triggers to open new possibilities in intimacy

  • Getting out of your relational comfort zone and taking creative risks in love

  • Softening armor around your heart to experience the sacred union you crave

  • Transmuting the personal into transpersonal domains

  • Learn tools to create profound intimacy in any moment—with yourself, with your lover, with life, and with god

Week 4: Foundations of Yogic Intimacy

  • Exploring masculine/feminine polarity as a path to soul-ravishing intimacy

  • Experiencing the sacred within erotic play and attraction

  • Playfully embodying the reciprocal of your innermost desires

  • Cultivating sensitivity to consciousness so you can confidently choose a partner who is trustable, deep, and present

  • Training your nervous system to see and be seen for all of who you are

Week 5: The Ecstatic Ache of Yearning

  • Transmuting the contraction of neediness into an offering of untethered, full-bodied yearning

  • Yearning as a gateway to deeper eros and ecstasy

  • Reclaiming yearning as one of your deepest gifts in sexual intimacy

  • Revealing your yearning as an invitation for your lover to know and experience the truth of your heart

  • Channeling your yearning into authentic, creative expression

Week 6: Full Spectrum Loving

  • Embodying the full range of feminine flavors to break free from habitual ways of being and relating

  • Loosening the grip of who you think you are to discover the freedom beyond identity constructs

  • Skillfully channel different textures of energy through your body to invoke deeper intimacy with your beloved

  • Improvising and making art out of a moment, especially when you want to least

  • Deepening receptivity and responsiveness

Week 7: Awakening Bliss in the Darkness

  • Revealing the sacred meaning behind your deepest, darkest desires

  • Merging heart with dark for profound spiritual lovemaking

  • Tapping into your dark erotic energy to unlock vital life-force energy

  • Gifting your dark range to your beloved as a gift to his consciousness

  • Discovering freedom in the taboo and transmuting shame into power

Week 8: Liberating the Gift Within Your Deepest of Wounds

  • Sacred theater ritual for healing, empowerment, and liberation

  • Guidance for bringing your practice into your daily life and relationships

  • Walking the mystic (and misunderstood) path of devotion

  • Living in service to Love and not the Ego

  • Closing ceremony and farewells

Curriculum open to changes as the unique needs of the group emerge.

Tatiana smiling with flowers in background

“I feel much more open and connected to myself and am coming into a deeper relationship with my radiance and my power.”

All of the practices were incredible. I felt like I had touched aspects of myself that I didn't even know were there yet they felt extremely familiar. It was so beautiful! The partner practices were also extremely powerful. To drop into sheer vulnerability with such an open heart and feel such a deep connection with another helped to melt the walls of closure and protection. It is absolutely a gift to connect with Nina, to receive her wisdom, love and truth. She is the epitome of what it looks like to be rooted in your Divine Feminine essence and expression. Beyond inspiring! Her containers are filled with such love, care and sweetness. The gentleness yet fierceness of the teachings and practices was truly transformative.

— Tatiana Reed

 Live Immersion Schedule

Next round begins in 2025.

Historically calls have been on Wednesdays 12-2pm Eastern Time. The official schedule will be announced closer to the program start date.

Convert Time Zone

woman lounging on white fabric eating grapes
red rose bud with morning dew and black background
Fresh fig
sensual lip eyes closed woman
Blonde woman in blue jumper

“I feel as though I leveled up in all areas that felt impossible for me to even look at before.”

I feel more comfortable being seen, expressing myself, and using my voice vulnerably yet simultaneously powerfully. Nina is such a special leader and facilitator. I’ve never felt so drawn to someone’s energy. She is a deeply healing presence, one that I will always lean to for additional support in my life and soul dripping love.

— Tiffany Milburn

Your Teacher

Nina Lombardo is a teacher and mentor for women, specializing in conscious intimacy, polarity, and sacred feminine practice. She supports women and couples in embodying their deepest spiritual-sexual expressions, allowing them to experience the union they crave with life, their lovers, and the divine. The depth of her work is informed through her devotion to her inner practice, over 15 years of training and studies in the realms of healing, embodiment, feminine spirituality, and sacred sexuality, her long-term intimate partnership, and more than a decade of facilitating thousands of one-on-one client sessions, in-person retreats, and online programs.

Waitlist Registration

woman in brown hat and black spotted dress smiling

“Ecstatic Love helped all of HER come alive and online again!”

Prior to this program I was feeling lost, neutralized and disempowered in my self-expression. Ecstatic Love helped all of HER came alive and online again! I gained valuable tools to help continue my journey to deepen and ground so that I may continue to rise in my intensity! Nina’s way and grace in articulating such rich, nuanced and complex concepts within this ancient practice is beyond. She creates such a safe space to explore and be in discovery of our juiciest most powerful range!

— Sue Ellen Aguirre

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. There are a limited number of 50% scholarships available to those in need of financial assistance. If you are interested in applying for scholarship, please fill out an application here.

  • The full refund policy is outlined under the Ecstatic Love Terms & Conditions.

  • All class recordings will be uploaded to a password protected site within 72 hours of completion. You will have 1-year access to the recordings.

    The Telegram community allows those who missed the live calls to ask questions on the material, receive support, and stay engaged with the content.

  • Absolutely! We love the beauty. magic, and sisterhood that’s created when new and experienced practitioners come together. Going through the program again will often illuminate new perspectives that weren’t available for you as a fresh student, as well as give you an opportunity to deepen with the practices and hold a pole of depth and wisdom in the group.

    We offer a 50% discount to past students of Ecstatic Love who wish to join for another round. If you are interested in joining again, please write to us at support@wayofdevotion.com and we will provide you with the next steps.

  • Nina has extensive training in trauma-informed bodywork and somatic therapies; however, she is not a licensed therapist and cannot serve as a substitute for professional mental health care. If you are currently experiencing trauma-related symptoms or distress from past or present events, we strongly encourage working with a licensed therapist before or alongside your participation in this program.

  • This program is designed for those who identify as women, and specifically women who are interested in exploring the sacred feminine principle. Please reach out if you have any questions.

  • You can learn more about my training and qualifications on my About Page.

smiling woman floral shirt brown hair

“I found myself able to connect with my partner and myself more deeply after sessions.”

The practices in Ecstatic Love really brought to life what I have previously read. It was amazing to have an embodied experience of it. I received so much insight into the feminine (and masculine)! There is still so much I need to integrate and I’m excited for what’s next. Having the community of loving supportive women also helped me learn, grow, be seen, feel love, etc. Nina is a fabulous facilitator and creates space where women can find even more alive and authentic versions of themselves. She is exhilarating, empowering, and patient. I was always impressed by her wisdom and insight.

—Lily Sussman