First Name
Last Name
Place of Residence
What main limitations, obstacles, or edges are you currently experiencing in your life and/or relationships?
What three shifts are you most yearning to create in your life and/or relationships as a result of your work with Nina? How do you envision yourself in one year from now?
Please list any trainings, programs, or courses you have attended in the realms of personal growth, spirituality, feminine embodiment, and/or sacred intimacy.
Do you have a regular spiritual practice such as meditation, prayer, yoga, dance, etc.? If yes, please describe.
Have you in the past two years been under the care of a therapist or mental health professional? Have you ever experienced any traumatic or emotional conditions that are relevant to this program, including childhood emotional or physical abuse? If yes, please describe.
I am interested in...
1-month commitment
3-month commitment
6-month commitment
Are you interested in adding on ongoing text & voice note support?
How did you learn about Nina?
Is there anything else that may be important to know about you?