Embodying the Power of Your Yearning


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Each of us has experienced yearning in some form or another…

Yearning for connection.

Yearning for a lover’s touch.

Yearning for someone or something that you’ve lost,

or something that has yet to come.

Yearning to feel closer to the divine.

Yearning to feel more free and fully expressed.

Yearning for wholeness, for peace, for clarity, for meaning.

Yearning to understand who you are and why you are here…

Yearning is one of the most powerful experiences of the human condition.

woman sitting at window hand on heart dusty pink shawl

Join Nina Lombardo

Founder of Way of Devotion

As you explore profound questions such as…

What exactly is yearning? ✴︎ 

What purpose does it serve? ✴︎ 

Why do I feel it? ✴︎ 

Why does it ache? ✴︎ 

And what would happen if, instead of suppressing your yearning, you chose to surrender to it, letting it take you to where it is inherently designed to flow…

Back to Wholeness

Back to Source.

old painting magdalene heart yearning

Key topics you’ll dive into…

  • Yearning as a gateway to ecstasy

  • Sexual yearning, spiritual yearning, and the ways in which they’re connected

  • How to discern the difference between yearning and neediness in your body

  • Channeling yearning into authentic, creative expression

  • Reclaiming yearning as one of your greatest gifts in sexual intimacy

  • The role of yearning in the creation and evolution of Life

  • Embodying yearning as an invitation to be met ever-more deeply by the one you love or long for

  • Yearning as an inherent quality of the Sacred Feminine

  • The cosmic dance between Lover and Beloved, and the paradox of our simultaneous separateness and wholeness

Devotion is the divine streaming through you
From that place in you before time.
Love’s energy flows through your body,
Toward a body, and into eternity again.
Surrender to this current of devotion
And become one with the Body of Love.

—The Radiance Sutras

What’s included…

woman dancing scarf pink sky

Part 1: Teachings

The first part of the workshop consists of teachings and discussions on the meanings and mysteries of yearning.

Part 2: Q&A

The second part of the workshop consists of a Q&A, during which participants ask Nina their questions and receive her one-on-one guidance and support. This exchange is a deep learning experience for all tuning in, and integrates the teachings into practical everyday experiences.

Part 3: Embodiment Practice

In the last part of the workshop, Nina guides you through a practice to explore how yearning manifests in your body, how to stay open in its ache, and how to channel its power to evoke more depth, connection, vitality, creativity, and meaning in your life.

What students are saying

woman blonde tan coat in car

I understand more how to work with my yearning and how I am allowed to reveal more of my pain and it’s ok. I don’t need to hide my messiness and keep it together anymore. I loved Nina’s insight and her gentleness on this topic. She has a very accepting way about her that makes you feel seen and welcome. The topic of yearning sucks me in and I feel she does such a good job explaining it. The class was such an inviting space for us and I felt I could really let go and be me, and let it all out. It was the most supportive and loving space for us.

– Julie H.

woman wicker chair brown hair

“This workshop taught me that yearning is primordial and that I can use it as juice for creativity. The experience was beautiful, opening, relieving, and touching. I find Nina's teachings raw, honest and revelatory. The community feels good and I always feel so heartened that there's language, practices and connection around the truths of my experience.”

— Dr. Rachel Greenberg

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    If you do not receive the email, please email us at support@wayofdevotion.com for assistance.